An attack on Jan 6 missed by the main strean media
Dec 21, 2019
Epoch Times Forum
On Dec 21, 2019, Epoch Times held a pro-Trump forum.
Daniel Lou attended as a keynote speaker.
Lou confirmed there is a master plan to sway US politics with Chinese money and bragged about how CCP helped elect Trump.
On July 27, 2016, the Chinese Embassy held a celebration for the 89th Anniversary of the Chinese Military aka PLA.
It was a 2-hour invitation-only event, of which 400 people attended.
Lou was posing with the highest Chinese diplomat in the US that day.
Sept 16, 2020
Hunter Biden Laptop
On Oct 16, New York Post published a “scandal” around Hunter Biden’s laptop.
After the New York Post story was published, it was then reported by NBC on Oct 22, 2020.
A YouTube channel owned by Lude aka Dinggang Wang became the center of a storm spreading Hunter Biden rumors.
QAnon advocates picked up on Lude’s YouTube show and started amplifying that narrative on social media.
Inside the campaign to ‘pizzagate’ Hunter Biden
On Oct 31, 2020, Steve Bannon met with GTV staff sharing Trump’s plan to falsely announce victory.
Bannon praised Lude for his “editorial creativity” in pulling off the “Hunter Biden laptop scandal”.
Leading Chinese social media followed by republishing the narrative:
Jan – Oct 2020
Call For Civil War
In months leading to the 2020 General Election, Chinese “dissidents” and United Front campaigned hard for MAGA
(a) Chinese “dissidents”: Civil War and Voter Fraud
In the months leading to the 2020 General Election, Chinese “dissidents” were key drivers of disinformation in the Chinese community.
They have been openly
I. Calling for blood-bathing Democrats
II. Calling for civil war
III. Spreading voter fraud disinformation
IV. Calling for linking with the Far Right militia
Jan – Oct 2020
United Front-Campaigning for MAGA
(b) United Front – Another Line of Attack
United Front led the disinformation on topics like BLM.
This is Mr. Dongsheng Jia dedicating his artwork to Trump.
Dongsheng Jia is a United Front officer who self-identified as the president of Era Alliance, a United Front organization dedicated to influencing Taiwan to accept Xi Jingping’s proposal for “Peaceful Reunification”.
Jia is the co-CEO of the Chinese American Alliance for Trump, or CAAFT.
CAAFT is founded by Daniel Lou, Jeffrey Liu, etc in Nov 2017.
On July 19, CAAFT organized a pro-police demonstration in Time Square to counter BLM. It was led by Jia Dongsheng. Although only about 10 people showed up, both Epoch Times and the China Press reported it.
Nov 3, 2020-January 6, 2021
Ramping Up
United Front and Chinese “dissidents” were actively preparing for J6
CAAFT led by Jia Dongsheng was part of the “Stop the Steal” rally.

Dec 19, 2020
J6 Preparation Meeting
[The Epoch Times, December 22, 2020] (The Epoch Times reporter Lin Dan in New York reported) The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives will hold a joint session on January 6 to certify the results of the December 14 Electoral College vote in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. A number of supporters of Trump discussed future support for Trump in Flushing on Saturday (December 19). Everyone said that January 6 is a very critical date, because of the large-scale fraud involved in this election, and some members of Congress and senators hope to overturn the results of the Electoral College vote in the controversial swing state on January 6. At the meeting, people called on Trump supporters to go to Washington to express their demands to overturn the results of the Electoral College votes in states with fraudulent elections.

In June 1918, Mr. Dongsheng Jia published this video, which he already deleted on YouTube.
In the video Mr. Dongsheng Jia identified himself as the President of Era Alliance, a United Front organization dedicated to pressuring Taiwan to accept Xi’s proposal for “Peaceful Reunification”
Dec, 2020

Dec, 2020
Fundraising for Proudboys
Media people affiliated with Falun Gong and Epoch Times led the fundraising for Proud Boys before J6
Jan 6, 2021
CAAFT, Chinese American Association For Trump is a major participant in j6.
Dongsheng Jia, the alleged United Front senior officer who participated in the J6 planning meeting is listed as the CEO of CAAFT.
Jan 6, 2021
J6, Falun Gong which owns Epoch Times allegedly bused insurrectionists to Capitol Hill.
Pamela Tsai, Marketing Director of Epoch Times was repeating Big Lie at Capitol Hill.
Jan 6, 2021
Chinese Participants
Chinese participants in J6
Some entered the Capitol Hill
Not even eligible to vote
Many Chinese participants were not even eligible to vote.
Example: According to his biography, Mr. Jianmin Wu landed in the US in 2015. Let’s assume he arrived on January 1st, 2015 and ICE issued him a green card that same day. (very unlikely), Wu still would not have been eligible to vote until July 2021.
Yet he was at J6.
After Jan 6
It ain’t over yet
On March 13th, 2021, Falun Gong sponsored a symposium in Sydney, Australia to discuss “lessons learned” in the 2020 US Election. Attending were leaders of the disinformation campaign. They discussed how to “be more effective” next time.
Epoch Times produced this alternative-fact “documentary” about J6