Guo Wengui
The Series
In part of our ongoing series exposing the influence war on America, Hark Herald Press pieced together open-source evidence that Guo Wengui, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, Mike Lindell, Elliot Broidy, among others, are either wittingly, or unwittingly, a part of a Controlled Opposition Operation funded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to create chaos in American society. The point of this chaos is to undermine American institutions and weaken the superpower on the world stage.
A Hark Herald Press investigation uncovered that both the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS), and the Chinese United Front, are running a Psychological Warfare Operation in the United States. The MSS is the Chinese equivalent of Russia’s KGB, which has now evolved into Vladimir Putin’s FSB. By supporting those bad actors commonly associated with election fraud, Covid-19, QAnon and the MAGA movements, they are attempting to destabilize America and personally profit. There is massive evidence that America is the target of an influence war, and Hark Herald Press is presenting a series of articles intended to expose these operations. Our investigation is informed by a trove of evidence we received from the real dissident Chinese American Community, open source intelligence, and court documents. We are publishing this series because Americans are being misled by well-financed operatives working clandestinely for foriegn adversaries.
Ultimately, they are attempting to destroy liberal democracy and replace it with an authoritarian structure that would, in effect, make America unrecognizable and uninhabitable for those who cherish democratic freedoms.
Controlled Opposition Operation
A Controlled Opposition Operation is something new on American soil, but a part of everyday life in Russia and China. Here’s how it sometimes works: an intelligence agency supports two or more people who are their agents, but who often publicly present themselves as holding opposing political views, including opposing the government, and publicly argue with each other, creating two diametrically opposed followings. Think of them as actors playing a role, or in common vernacular, a LARP (live action role playing).
The tactics are flexible. Sometimes the agents support each other instead of opposing each other. Both tactics are used to advance important political agendas by occasionally having these two supposed opponents, or complimentary supporters, agree on an issue, or differ on an issue and debate it, with a predetermined outcome intended to influence their followers. It’s a subtle and effective injection of disinformation into social media. The end goal is developed first, and the game is played toward the objective of that goal.
It is stated in the singular—“a” Controlled Opposition Operation—because open-source evidence shows campaigns are being directed by a source within the Chinese Communist Party that is powerful enough to order two totally separate Chinese intelligence agencies to cooperate both financially and with human resources.
In China, citizens are expected to inform government agents on their coworkers, neighbors, friends, acquaintances or family members who have displayed or expressed actions or thoughts critical of the government. To remain silent is considered as serious an offense as the so-called offense committed by the target person. This paranoid way of life extends to the Chinese Intelligence Services. Chinese intelligence services not only conduct foreign and domestic operations, but also spy on each other. They are rivals and report on any misconduct they may detect in other agencies. Our investigation reveals the agencies do not work together or cooperate on operations unless directed to do so by a superior with power in the CCP. That superior can order separate agencies to cooperate. This contentious, competitive interagency sparring is by design, and fosters a paranoid atmosphere.
Meeting with Guo Wengui, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon and Jason Miller
Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro and Guo Wengui
Who is Steve Bannon?
Now that we have explained the set up, let’s look at some of the players. Stephen Kevin Bannon was born in 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia. He served in the U.S. Navy as an officer for seven years. He attended Virginia Tech, Georgetown University, and eventually graduated from Harvard with an MBA. He became an investment banker at Goldman Sachs.
In his youth, Bannon grew up in a middle-class family that was pro-Kennedy and pro-union Democrats. It wasn’t until after his Naval service that he reached a turning point in his political world-view, according to his own statements. He’s on the record as saying, “I wasn’t political until I got into the service and saw how badly Jimmy Carter fucked things up. I became a huge Reagan admirer. Still am. But what turned me against the whole establishment was coming back from running companies in Asia in 2008 and seeing that Bush had fucked up as badly as Carter. The whole country was a disaster.”
Bannon aligned himself with Breitbart News, an American far-right news and opinion website founded in 2007 by Andrew Breitbart and funded by The Mercer Group[204], declaring it “the platform for the alt-right.” [205] The Mercer Group is run by the Mercer family, which includes billionaire Robert Mercer, who supported Donald Trump’s presidency, Cambridge Analytica, and Citizens United, and whose daughter Rebekah, invested in the alt-right social media platform, Parler. Mercer seeded Breitbart with an alleged $10 million dollars before turning over the reins to his daughter in 2017, after bad press forced him to step down from Breitbart and his hedge fund, Renaissance Technology, where he is still employed. He and his partner at the hedge fund, Jim Simons, just agreed to pay a $7 billion dollar tax debt to the IRS for illegal mirror trades. Bannon’s rise in Trump’s orbit was initially funded by the Mercers, who also funded Bannon’s propaganda films.
“We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment,” said Bannon. After Andrew Breitbart’s death in 2012, Bannon became the executive chair of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of Breitbart News [206] Ben Shapiro, a former Breitbart editor, called Bannon a “bully” who “sold out Andrew’s mission in order to back another bully, Donald Trump.” [207] Liberals and traditional conservatives have labeled much of Breitbart’s content as misogynistic, xenophobic and racist. [202] Once merely known for its fiscal conservative reporting, by 2016, the website became radicalized toward extremism.
In November of 2016, Bannon left Breitbart and was appointed chief executive of Trump’s presidential campaign. Like Kellyanne Conway, Bannon was a Mercer appointee. After Trump was elected, Bannon was then appointed chief strategist and senior counselor to the President-elect [208] As a staff member in the Executive Office of the President, Bannon did not require Senate confirmation [209].
Bannon, along with another of Trump’s political advisors, Stephen Miller, was the architect of the highly controversial Executive Order 13769, which, among other things, restricted U.S. travel and immigration from seven countries–effectively know as the “Muslim ban.” Both Bannon and Miller, who appear to be ideologically aligned, see Russian President Putin as a “fellow nationalist and crusader against cosmopolitanism.” [210] This alignment between American rightwing extremists and Kremlin extremists had its roots in the racist, homophobic writings of Alexander Dugin, a Russian philosopher favored by Bannon.
In a rare and stunning insight about Trump’s children, Bannon is on the record in Michael Wolff’s book, “Fire and Fury,” as saying Ivanka Trump is “dumb as a rock,” and that the meeting among Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and Russian agents was “treasonous.” Bannon was fired by Trump over his loose lips and departed the White House on August 18, 2017, after serving Trump for less than a year.
Two months later, Bannon was introduced to a wealthy Chinese national named Guo Wengui. The two became friends and frequently met in Dallas, at Guo’s apartment at The Sherry-Netherland in New York, as well as on Guo’s yacht [211]. Guo reportedly gave Bannon a $150K loan shortly after leaving the White House, and one of his companies entered into a $1 million contract beginning in August of 2018 [212] to introduce its executives to “media personalities” and advise it on industry standards. [300] This would be the beginning of a long partnership between Wengui and Bannon, with the two joining forces on many political initiatives.
Their relationship supposedly ended when Bannon was arrested on Guo’s yacht in connection with a scheme to defraud donors of the “Build the Wall Foundation.” He was later pardoned by then President Donald Trump. [213]
Guo Wengui’s 150-foot yacht
Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui
Who is Guo Wengui?
Guo Wengui was born roughly 50 years ago, reportedly in the coastal Shandong Province in Eastern China–or, he has claimed, in Jilin Province in the country’s north. His origins are ambiguous. He made a fortune in real estate, benefiting from the construction boom around the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. [01]
Guo appears to owe his rise in part to his relationship with a top official at China’s Ministry of State Security, former Vice Minister Ma Jian. Jian fell out of favor and was arrested in early 2015 on corruption charges. Two months later, the Chinese outlet Caixin published an expose [02] of Guo, highlighting his ties to the toppled intelligence official. By the time of the expose, Guo had already left China.
He came to the U.S. in 2015 seeking asylum after fleeing many serious charges, including fraud, money laundering, bribery and rape. Guo has denied the charges. Guo lived in an opulent Manhattan apartment [01] until he was evicted for failing to meet the terms and conditions of the sales contract on the apartment. [03], He now frequently spends time on his 150-ft luxury yacht.
In interviews, Guo claims to be fervently anti-communist and pro-U.S.A. Despite Guo’s public disdain for the Chinese government, he remains a puzzle to some China watchers, who remain suspicious of his motives and the origins of his wealth. A Time Magazine profile of Guo in 2018 reported that some Chinese dissidents in New York suspect him of actually being a spy for Beijing [04].
Guo’s rough-edged style and background in real estate have prompted comparisons to Trump. He is even a long-standing member of Mar-a-Lago, declaring, “I like Donald Trump because the president talks [about] fake news. Everything said [about] me is fake.” [05]
Guo also has a close associate William Je, who Guo introduced as his money man at a lunch with Steve Bannon, as evidenced below. According to our research, Je is a confirmed CPPCC member in the Chongqing Municipality and an active leader for United Front Organizations in Hong Kong. [05]
Since arriving in the U.S., Guo has used the American legal system prolifically. He has openly stated to at least one of his adversaries that he “will keep [him] going to courts for the rest of [his] life” (see video below) [12]. In addition, he has taken legal action in a private spying case against Strategic Vision and has engaged in a dispute [05A] with his former attorneys at Boies, Schiller and Flexner, the firm founded by politically connected super lawyer David Boies.
Guo sued convicted felon and staunch republican, Roger Stone, for $100 million [06]. Stone is a longtime Trump advisor and friend. Stone claimed Guo had illegally donated to Hillary Clinton and was funding a presidential run by Bannon [01]. Chinese billionaire Bruno Wu was also sued for defamation in a separate case. Wu is accused of supplying Stone with defamatory information about Guo [07]. In December, Stone retracted his statements and apologized, claiming it was Sam Nunberg who provided the representations [08].
Among Guo’s other litigation efforts is a lawsuit against Warner Media and CNN’s Erin Burnett for defamation [09]; a lawsuit against financial giant UBS for $500 million [10], as well as lawyer Clark Hill. [11] There are many more lawsuits by Guo, as well as lawsuits against Guo. The most infamous and concerning–Eastern Data vs Strategic Visions—will be covered in detail later in this article.
Guo Wengui and William Je
Who is William Je?
William Je was born and raised in Hong Kong but was appointed a CPPCC member in Chongqing, a city 689 miles north of his hometown, a municipality extremely important in China’s power structure. Such a position, and the fact he also served as a senior officer in an important United Front organization in Hong Kong, evidence his importance to the United Front. Hong Kong and Chongqing are separated by nearly 700 miles, and Je allegedly has no specific business holdings in Chongqing. To hold such distinguished positions, in two separate cities that far apart, may indicate Je is a senior United Front Agent, according to our sources.
On his LinkedIn page, William Je lists “Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (“CPPCC”) of Chongqing” in the Honors and Awards section. [13] According to a Chinese government website, he served two terms 2008-2018. CPPCC members are brought into the position by United Front after meticulous vetting. According to the CPPCC bylaws, members who fail to demonstrate continued allegiance to CCP will be expelled.
Original link:
Je was also the executive chairman of the Hong Kong Youth Association, a United Front outfit in Hong Kong. [14]
Original link:
In authoritarian regimes, like China and Russia, politics is kept localized for control. When a person holds esteemed political positions in geographically diverse regions, it can only be because they also hold very senior positions in the Party, or an Agency of the Party, and are vested with a lot of power. (Note: William Je will be discussed in more detail in the 4th article in this series.)
So it appears that two separate people, Guo, who is connected with the Ministry of State Security, and Je, who is connected with the United Front, are working together on the same project. To reiterate, this is only done when someone powerful enough to order both agencies to cooperate does so.
Please note that many of the articles cited below portray Guo Wengui as a “wanted Chinese dissident.” Hark Herald Press believes the information in this article belies that portrayal of Guo.
Hark Herald suggests the reader take some of the below articles with a “grain of salt,” so to speak, and instead look at the totality of the direct and circumstantial evidence presented.
As attorneys tell juries when describing how to weigh circumstantial evidence, “If you go to bed at night and there is no snow on the ground, and you wake up in the morning and there is snow on the ground, that is circumstantial evidence that sometime during the night it snowed. So even though you may not have directly witnessed the snow falling, the weight of circumstantial evidence proves that it did snow, unless there is other properly adduced evidence proving someone dumped a load of snow on your lawn in the night.”
The following is presented to you in the same manner a prosecutor would proceed in proving a case where he had some direct evidence and a lot of circumstantial evidence inferring guilt.
In all fairness, there is a concept in law we want to explain to you that is relevant to your review of the following evidence. You should not make “double inferences” from the evidence below. In other words, if a fact is presented that you find believable, it is reasonable for you to extrapolate a reasonable inference from that fact, but you should not then further extrapolate another inference from that inference. This is a common jury instruction.
…and in this case, you are the jury.
We begin.
Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui
Steve Bannon, and others, are financially connected to Chinese businessmen Guo Wengui and William Je. Guo Wengui and William Je appear not to be who they portray themselves to be. Reports from numerous news sources and court documents evidence financial funding from Wengui and Je is used for generating Covid-19 information, election information, and social media rumors that are demonstrably false. This sophistry is directly responsible for inflaming and compounding divisions in the United States.
Our deep dive takes a more detailed look at Steve Bannon’s relationship with Guo Wengui, and we believe, offers a more complete assessment of Guo’s true character.
Launch of the Rule of Law Society: Propaganda Machines Cloaked as Charities
According to a September 13, 2020 report by Washington Post in November 2018 [301] Bannon and Guo announced they were launching two charities: The Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation. Those charities were allegedly created to “investigate Chinese corruption and financially support victims.” Bannon stated he would “take no pay.”
Bannon was an officer of both organizations, and they were initially funded by Guo Wengui. [308] Bannon served on the Boards of Directors as the Chair. On Aug 16, 2021, CNBC published a report [312]:
Steve Bannon and Guo also launched an anti-CCP movement called the New Federal State of China in June of 2020, with branches in countries such as the US, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia. Through multiple media channels, spot rallies, flyers and email spam campaigns, the movement has been instrumental in pushing out Mr. Guo’s conspiracy theories and misinformation.
GNews, an outlet of GTV Media Group linked to Bannon and Guo, has been a social media source for false stories about Hunter Biden. Some of those stories have made their way into mainstream media. They consolidated alleged sex tapes from a popular YouTube account with ties to Guo, as detailed below. They were also an early source of unsubstantiated rumors that the Biden family hid business dealings with China. These were eventually repeated by Donald Trump during the second presidential debate. [302]
Hunter Biden Disinformation
Rudy Giuliani has been instrumental in spreading stories about Hunter Biden in an effort to damage Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign. On the weekend of Oct. 10, 2020, Giuliani, Bannon and Wengui gathered at Guo’s luxury aparment in Manhattan for dinner and cigars. [300] NYT continues:
Disgruntled former supporters of Guo have since spoken out revealing the relationship between Guo and the YouTube account, run by a person calling themselves “Lude,” which was cited as the source of the alleged false reporting about Hunter Biden. [303]
Most telling is that an investigation by FirstDraft found the very first mention of the Hunter Biden Scandal on the Internet is traceable to this very same YouTube account run by Lude. [303].
In the weeks following the first posting of the Hunter Biden sex tapes on Lude’s YouTube account, Guo’s media outlets pushed that disclosure out into the social media network. As stated by Dr. Anne Kruger:
Twitter and Facebook suspended more than a dozen accounts connected to Guo within hours of the Hunter Biden story being posted.
Guo claims to be a Chinese dissident, but his persistence in disseminating many conspiracy theories raises questions about his real motives because they seem aimed at creating social unrest in the United States and other western countries, a long-term goal of the Chinese government.
A Conspiracy To Destroy Democracy
The following sections contain circumstantial and direct evidence that makes a strong case giving rise to a reasonable inference Guo Wengui is not the dissident against China that he publicly purports to be.
It further evidences the majority of the leaders of the so-called MAGA movement are coordinating with Guo Wengui in disseminating misinformation and disinformation to the public; strategizing together in a plan to cause civil unrest in Western societies worldwide and sharing financial resources to create and run massive numbers of social media websites, accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, GETTR, TV, and radio stations, that are being used to spread propaganda in a well-designed manner executing a foreign intelligence plan to destroy America as a world power, and democracy in general as a viable form of government.
The effect of this plan, if successful, will undermine democracy worldwide and give rise to authoritarian regimes for the foreseeable future of mankind.
It’s not about “left” or “right.”
It’s about power.
Massive Disinformation Campaign Created and Operated by Gou Wengui
On May 17, 2021, The Washington Post published a report entitled Chinese businessman with links to Steve Bannon is driving force for a sprawling disinformation network, researchers say [305].
Graphika research found the widespread network created by Guo is now one of the primary platforms spreading disinformation in the United States. The misinformation ranges from undermining confidence in Covid vaccines to spreading QAnon conspiracy theories and “The Big Lie,” advanced by the extreme right-wing of the Republican Party and those republicans supporting Donald Trump and the January 6th attack on the US Capitol.
There are “media” websites, like GTV, for which Guo raises funds, and thousands of social media accounts that Graphika found were used to manipulate search engines to push the disinformation to the top of search results. Many local action groups, over which Guo has claimed control, are included in the sites. id.
Steve Bannon Is Behind Bogus Study That China Created COVID [306]
The Rule of Law Society and the Rule of Law Foundation were found to have been behind the publishing and distribution of a study claiming to prove the Covid-19 virus was “manufactured” in a Chinese laboratory. [307] A Chinese virologist who escaped from Hong Kong issued this study which claims “laboratory manipulation is part of the history of SARS-CoV-2.” This “study” was reported by right-wing media as “explosive,” even though it was contradicted by almost all mainstream scientific studies. The study was called “bizarre and unfounded.” (also refer to this tweet: [309][310] This was the first medical or scientific articles these organizations had published. No peer review was evidenced.
The study was posted on Zenodo, a public site for research that permits anyone to upload the documents.
Michael Flynn
The New Federal State of China – an extension of Rule of Law Society
According to a Washington Post article [305], the New Federal State of China is part of the disinformation network created by Guo and Bannon. It is an extension of the Rule of Law Society.
Steve Bannon
A report by Daily Beast on July 15, 2021 says: Mogul’s bulletproof Manhattan mansion shields network of right-wing news and nonprofits: [315]
Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell
Rudy Giuliani
Sprawling Disinformation Network: Guo Launches New Media Efforts
Between 2018 and 2020, Guo launched two media projects with Bannon, G News and GTV Media Group. [319] Our investigation revealed these media groups, along with others financed by Guo Wengui, are spreading massive amounts of disinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine, election fraud, Hunter Biden, and right-wing propaganda designed to create controversy and division in American society.
Guo is also running MAGA’s new favorite platform GETTR. [320]
Companies Tied to Chinese Exile Guo Wengui to Pay $539 Million to Settle SEC Action [312]
Leveling one of the largest fines ever imposed, the SEC sent a strong message to Guo Wengui. The SEC found GTV and Saraca conducted an illegal securities offering.
The New York and Arizona companies, linked to Guo Wengui, raised $487 million from 5,000 investors who bought stock in GTV Media Group Inc. and a digital asset called G-Coins or G-Dollars. The companies failed to register the securities. The illegal activity utilized YouTube, Twitter, and other social media where videos offering investments were distributed.
A fair fund distribution of $539 million was set up to reimburse investors.
Steve Bannon’s Use of Private Jet Linked to Chinese Businessman Could Violate Campaign Finance Law [313]
For purposes of this article, and to show the close connections between Bannon and Guo Wengui, it is reported that Guo has permitted Bannon to use his private jets for campaign purposes, without that use being reported to the FEC.
Two problems arise with this. First, said “use” has a value that is considered a “contribution” to a political campaign. Not reporting it is a violation of campaign finance laws.
Second, Guo Wengui is still a foreign national. 52 U.S.C. 30121 makes it illegal for a foreign national to contribute anything of value in a U.S. election. See, Wengui v. [Roger] Stone, Case No. 1:18-cv-20983-JEM (S.D.Fl. 2018), Document 1 Page 5, the Judge ruled: “Because Plaintiff Guo is a foreign national, he is prohibited, by 52 U.S.C. 30121, from making any contributions, monetary donations or expenditures in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States.”
Guo Makes A Mistake: Lawsuit Claims His Company Hacked People’s Private Worlds
EDITOR’S NOTE: All court documents and exhibits cited in this article are from the following legal case and can be obtained either through the Clerk of the Court or by starting an account on PACER.
The Case Of Guo Wengui and Eastern Profit Corporation Limited v. Strategic Vision
According to a report published by The Wall Street Journal on July 22, 2019 [321], Strategic Vision is a company involved in a lawsuit with Eastern Profit Corporation Limited. Eastern Profit Corporation Limited is a company owned and operated by Guo Wengui. Strategic Vision is a company that, among other things, investigates people on the internet by hiring teams to collect information from various sources, up to and including investment accounts or other supposedly private records.
The Case Develops
In late 2017, Lianchao Han connected Guo with Strategic Vision, a staunchly anti-communist conservative outfit with deep connections to the U.S. intelligence community. This relationship eventually resulted in this lawsuit: See, Eastern Profit Corporation Limited v. Strategic Vision US, Case No. 1:18-cv-02185-LJL (SDNY 2018).
According to the court transcript, owner Ms. French Wallop, and President Michael Waller, of Strategic Vision, held several meetings with Guo in late 2017. Wallop presented a document reflecting a “vision” for Guo to, “remain safely in [the United States] and accomplish his mission back home,” i.e., in China.
Strategic Vision proposed to provide services to Guo, for the expressed purpose of preventing any chance of his being forcibly repatriated, by developing a social engagement presence for Guo with policymakers, media figures, and decision-makers in Washington D.C.; making Guo a thought leader and policy leader; and building a foundation to educate people from the United States and China on Guo’s ideas.
Strategic Vision was also tasked by Guo with deploying a secretive and untraceable network of persons supportive of and associated with then-president Donald J. Trump.
Strategic Vision also proposed to provide an “aggressive defense” against attacks that were expected to intensify, to develop a network of surrogates who could speak on Guo’s behalf without being traced back to him and who would be developed from online networks supportive of the President Trump. (See, Doc. 372, supra, pp. 5 to 6.)(Document 372 in the above case on pages 5-6, for those not familiar with the Blue Book of Legal Citations.)
Investigative Services Proposed By Strategic Vision
Wallop and Waller had a third meeting with Guo on December 11, 2017…At that third meeting, the parties’ discussions turned to the investigative services Strategic could provide to Guo. (See, Doc. 372, supra, p. 8.)
Strategic Vision thus understood that Guo wanted the investigation to uncover corruption relating to members of the CCP, including crimes committed by members of the CCP, such as the illegal removal of funds from the country. (See, Doc. 372, supra, pp. 9 to 10.)
As Strategic Vision admitted, the work included hacking into Chinese government servers, obtaining evidence of forged U.S. documents, obtaining information regarding social security fraud and tax fraud, finding the location of certain offshore companies, and obtaining information regarding CCP members’ bank accounts. (See, April 22, 2020, Hearing Transcripts, supra, at pp. 308, 314-317.)
All of this work was to be done “based on the best practices and standards of the industry, comparable to other top firms with similar services.” (See, Doc. 372, supra, p. 52.)
To make sure Strategic Vision had the capacity to fulfill the contract, Guo provided a test name for Strategic Vision to research–Anita Suen. (See, Doc. 261, supra, at pp.159, 216, 401-403, 418 )
Strategic Vision was not told that Anita Suen is the niece of top CCP official, Mr. Wang Qishan. id. Although Wang, the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of CCP, served as a trusted assistant for Chinese President Xi Jinping, he is also seen as a potential rival to Xi. In later media appearances, both Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon would relentlessly attack Wang Qishan. This was despite the fact that Wang had already retired.
The research performed by Dr. Michael Waller on Anita Suen reached one step away from entering Anita Suen’s China International Trust Investment Corporation (CITIC) security email account. CITIC Group Corporation Ltd., formerly the China International Trust Investment Corporation, is a state-owned investment company of the People’s Republic of China.
Waller: So we’re right at the front door of Anita Suen’s CITIC security email account, but we haven’t opened the door.
Q: What was their reaction to this presentation?
Waller: That was fine. That presentation was what convinced Guo to proceed with the contract.
Q: Did Strategic Vision subsequently access that CITIC account?
Waller: No.
Q: And why not?
Waller: As I recall, it was because Guo was insisting on a brute force attack, and we were telling him that’s an unprofessional way to do it. It’s going to defeat your purpose completely, and you’ll never get what you want. Allow us to do it by another means. (See, Doc. 261, supra, at p. 402.)
The Contract
Guo signed a contract with Strategic Vision in Jan 2018. Strategic Vision demanded a down payment of $1 million. This contract ended in a lawsuit filed by Guo to recover that downpayment. Guo Wengui eventually won this lawsuit, but in the course of the Discovery and court hearings, much revealing information about Guo was adduced into the record of the case.
Guo Wengui filed a second lawsuit against the parties in the Strategic Vision lawsuit, and the Wall Street Journal, for Defamation of Character. The Wall Street Journal was sued for reporting on the Counterclaim alleging Guo was not the dissident he claimed to be. Guo lost that lawsuit. [322]
Enter Steve Bannon
Subsequently, one more relevant meeting took place, for the purposes of this article, in November of 2018.
According to the hearing transcript, Sasha Gong (Note: She is the former Mandarin Service Chief of Voice of America), was introduced to William Je by Guo on Nov 20, 2018, coincidentally on the exact same day the Rule of Law Society was launched by Steve Bannon. (See, Doc. 368, supra, p. 127.):
Q. Did Mr. Guo ever introduce you to a man named William Je?
Gong: Yes.
Q. When was that?
Gong: November 20, 2018.
Q. What was the occasion?
Gong: In that morning, Mr. Guo and Mr. Bannon have the joint press conference. In that press conference, they announced that they were [starting] up a Rule of Law Foundation. So they announce that at lunchtime. I got a phone call from that one. He said Mr. Guo invites you and Lianchao Han and Bill Gertz, the three of us, to go to his apartment for lunch.
Q. Okay. So who else — I take it you then attended the lunch at Mr. Guo’s apartment?
Gong: Yes.
Q. Who else was there?
Gong: Mr. Bannon and Mr. William Je.
According to the court document, when Guo introduced William Je to Sasha Gong, Guo said, “He’s the money man.” (See, Doc. 368, supra, p. 127-128.)
Investigative Teams Contracted By Strategic Vision Begin Resigning
Strategic Vision proceeded to hire teams to complete research while Guo provided Strategic Vision with a list of 92 names.
Terrified by what they saw as they got into the assignment, the first two teams Waller tried to recruit quickly raised red flags. One flatly refused to work on the project. Another, ready to quit at any time, was convinced that Guo was either a part of organized crime or actively serving Communist China. (See, Doc. 261, supra, p. 414):
Q: When did you instruct Team 1 and Team 2 to stop working?
Waller: Team 2 would not work for us.
Q: What about team 1?
Waller: …parts of team 1 continued working.
Q: Did there ever come a time when you heard that members of team 1 quit?
Waller: Yes, they wanted to quit.
Waller: And then team 2 quit
Q: Did he tell you why they quit?
Waller: Yes.
Q: What was that?
Waller: They thought that Miles Kwok [ED: aka Guo Wengui] was up to organized criminal activity or was working for the Chinese Government.
Guo Places Investigation Teams In Danger
Dr. Michael Waller and the teams he hired detected peculiar behavioral patterns of Guo in causing security breaches, which eventually led them to conclude that the investigation project was a trap laid out for them: (See, Doc. 261, supra, p. 553, Exh. I & J; Waller testimony, at pp. 118-121).
Guo was publicly attacking the subjects of the search and opening himself to exposure as the most likely person behind the computer activities if they were discovered. This then jeopardized the teams working for Guo although Guo himself had warned them that people could be killed if the investigation was discovered. It was also found that some subjects of the investigation appeared to have already been tipped off and had deleted information that was the subject of the search. The teams hired by Strategic Vision suspected someone in Guo’s organization was compromising Guo’s search.
Waller: Team 1 warned us that, “You have an enemy in your own camp.” Meaning in the client’s camp. […] So when you get these warnings from seasoned professionals, you take them seriously.
ASOG and Records Protected Person Targets
To continue with the contract, Wallop got in touch with the third team, Addison Texas-based ASOG. (Allied Special Operations Group). Dr. Waller picked 15 names out of Guo’s list of 92 and sent them to ASOG. ASOG quickly came back freaked out about what they found–people on Guo’s list were designated as “restricted persons” or “records protected.” (Hereinafter “RP”). (See, Doc. 267-1, supra, p. 41.):
Wallop: It [“RP”] means that it is … either under a watch list by the U.S. Government …or it is a — or, let’s just say a certain agency … has tagged these individuals and is watching them …themselves. So we cannot enter into those files.
Investigating an RP person violates US Law.
Strategic Vision had contacted ASOG because the team consisted of former NSA, DIA, and other former intelligence agency personnel. The other teams had been running into foreign actors during their attempts to search for the people Guo had listed, and as described by Waller, “[It] wasn’t pretty.” Id. Waller believed a team with more foreign intelligence experience might have more success.
ASOG pushed back on Strategic Vision, expressing serious concerns. (See, Doc. 267-1, supra, p. 40.)
ASOG came back a week later “totally freaked out” telling Waller that if they continued the research of Records Protected persons, a bunch of people were going to prison.
Wallop: That’s when they said, these are all RPs. We will all go to jail if you start fooling around in their files.
“I don’t care if it’s legal, just get it.”
Concerned, Waller approached Guo and his associates for clarification. (See, Doc. 261, supra, p. 551.):
Waller: Correct. We got into a big argument with them about it, saying we were ready to pay for it, she [Yvette Wang] should have told us this ahead of time, and this was causing problems for us and for the client, and they said this, if we give it to you, it’s going to break federal law, so no. That’s when we went back to Mr Guo for guidance through Lianchao Han about what to do next.
Waller: I might also add that it was a problem on the legality side because while Lianchao Han was scrupulous about obeying US Law, Yvette Wang was not, and she even once said I don’t care if it’s legal, just get it.
Guo Wengui Has Different Motives Than He Stated
Strategic Vision, whose intentions were to complete their contract with someone they thought was a legitimate customer, found out that Guo Wengui was not who he said he was. The evidence adduced in the court proceedings indicates Guo was, and apparently had always been, an active intelligence agent for the Chinese Ministry of State Security.
During the court proceedings, Strategic Vision said it concluded Mr. Guo was seeking information on Chinese nationals who may have been helping the U.S. government in national-security investigations or who were involved in other sensitive matters, according to the filing.
Mr. Waller, of Strategic Vision, testified under oath that:
“Guo never intended to use the fruits of Strategic Vision’s research against the Chinese Communist Party,” the court filing said. “[t]hat is because Guo was not the dissident he claimed to be. Instead, Guo Wengui was, and is, a dissident-hunter, propagandist, and agent in the service of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party.” (See, Doc. 127, supra, p. 36.)
The Deal Falls Apart
Strategic Vision refused to continue doing investigations based on their findings. They also refused to return Guo’s $1 million down payment. Guo then started attacking Strategic Vision and Michael Waller. The rhetoric escalated into the above-mentioned lawsuit.
In the total proceedings, including Interrogatories during Discovery, Guo Wengui invoked the 5th Amendment 47 times when probed about his relationship with the Ministry of State Security, (MSS), Communist Central Committee, President Xi Jinping and his relationship with William Je, who had been wiring funds in support of Guo’s lawsuits and lifestyle. (See, document 368 beginning at p. 3).
Examples of Doc 368:
Court Information Reveals Guo Wengui Being a Chinese Dissident Is Contradicted By His Ties To Mainland China
NOTE: Please see sidebar for important technical information
Further circumstantial evidence indicates Guo Wengui is connected with the MSS. Guo took credit for an apparent joint operation with the MSS and its Vice Minister Ma Jian. Guo argued that his work was for the MSS and on behalf of the “nation,” and that if anyone received “bribes,” it was the nation. [323]
In the next recording, perhaps occurring after the initial recording, Liu again talked with Guo, and repeatedly expressed the belief that Guo had already made unspecified “contributions to the country.” [324]
With respect to his family, Guo was willing to send his own wife and children back to China, “using” them in order to prove that the CCP is a “reliable party.” […] agreeing by July 1 to say he did not oppose the Communist Party, and […] talking only about certain officials (Secs. Meng and Wang) yielded benefits for Guo [325]
After a long talk, Guo declared, “I strongly support President Xi.” (See, Eastern Profit Corporation Limited v. Strategic Vision US, supra., Exh. WW, J. Ju Affidavit.) The two agreed that this was the patriotic path. (See, Doc. 273, supra, p. 25 to 26.)
Voice of Guo Channels are Managed by People with Chinese Email Domains and Chinese Telephone Numbers
NOTE: Please see sidebar for important technical information
Over and above the circumstantial evidence admitted in the court case above, a pattern emerges with respect to Guo’s various social media accounts on YouTube. Guo’s four Voice of Guo Media channels, Guo’s own official “Guo Wengui” channel, and one for the Rule of Law Foundation—are linked to each other’s official YouTube “home” page, presenting them to the public as one cohesive, intertwined network. All these channels are managed by people with or other Mainland Chinese email domains.
First, all three Voice of Guo Media YouTube accounts (Channels 1-3, as noted in the last citation) were set up with the “manager” as the Gmail address of 65*******@gm***.com. That Gmail address was itself set up on August 21, 2018—long after Guo claimed to be a dissident and to have had his Mainland/Hong Kong operations shuttered—using a “recovery email” address that is Chinese. The recovery email is 65*******, and a recovery phone number that is also Chinese: 8613422475313.
The country code for Mainland China is “86.”
Second, yet another Voice of Guo Media account manager (for Channel 2, noted in the last citation), set up the Gmail address ya****************@gm***.com on March 3, 2018, again, using a recovery email address that is Chinese: 55*******
On Voice, the “” domain is operated by Tencent, a Chinese company based in Guangdong Province.
Guo Media YouTube Channels 2 and 3, alternate emails for the July 9, 2015 (after Guo left China) nangongsnow@gmail address for manager “Snow Nangong” are both Chinese: 88****** and 30******* Finally, a manager for Voice of Guo Channel 1 setup xi********@gm***.com on August 11, 2018, uses a recovery number, 8618918215947 that, again, is a Chinese phone number. See, Exh. QQQQ. (See, Doc. 273, supra, p. 46.)
See also, the Voice of Guo YouTube English channel, linking to Guo Wengui, Steve Bannon’s Rule of Law Foundation, and three related Voice of Guo channels at [326] See, Exh., JJJJ.
Discovery produced by Google about the IT administrators, who manage and update five of those channels, (this excludes Guo’s own “official site”—for which YouTube did not produce a list of “owners” or managers), reflects a backend technical team that is every bit as interconnected. Each of the accounts, four Voice of Guo, and one Rule of Law Foundation account, share administrators in common with at least two other channels. See, Exh. KKKK (Compilation of Google Account Manager Identities for the following five channels: Voice of Guo English Channel, English-channel-2289; Voice of Guo Media Channel 1, guo-you-zhi-she-7603; Rule of Law Foundation Channel, rolfoundation-f-7672; Voice of Guo Media Channel 2, zhan-you-zhi-sh-2451; and Voice of Guo Media Channel 3, zhan-you-zhi-sh-7983).
Additionally, Voice of Guo YouTube Channels 1-3 have administrators with direct links to mainland China that existed after Guo launched his “dissident” persona in January 2017, and administrators for the other two channels work alongside the mainland-based administrators in their capacity as “managers” for one or more of the other three YouTube channels. See, Exh., supra, PPPP.
Sub-Conclusion: Circumstantial Evidence Indicates Guo Wengui is Not a true Dissident
As evidenced above, Guo seems to have a lot of existing ties to the Chinese government for someone presenting themselves as a dissident.
Based on the above articles, court testimony, exhibits, and evidence, it is virtually impossible that Guo Wengui is operating his recovery emails and phone numbers for websites and operations from either Hong Kong or mainland China without the cooperation of the Chinese Intelligence Services.
That simple fact belies his claims that he is a legitimate Chinese dissident. Instead, it is more likely he is running a Controlled Opposition Operation in the United States.
He appears to be falsely portraying himself as opposing the Chinese government when evidence indicates he is working on their behalf. His followers are then either knowing accomplices, or unwitting accomplices (usually attracted by either false hopes of monetary gain, power, or lonely people looking for a “cause” to add meaning to their life), advancing the ultimate goal of creating chaos in American and western societies.
The Chinese have a term for those who are unwittingly working on their behalf. They call them “useful idiots.”
General Mike Flynn, Mike Lindell, Elliott Broidy, and Nikki Lum Mali Davis Join The Party
On June 3rd, 2020 in an invitation-only event to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the New Federal State of China, Michael Flynn commented: “It’s like on the battlefield because this is warfare.”
According to a report by CNBC on Aug 19, 2021: ‘This is warfare:’ Trump allies Flynn, Bannon pushed conspiracies at ritzy party backed by Chinese exile: [327]
In the court proceedings with Strategic Vision, Elliott Broidy and Nikki Lum Mali Davis provided documents to Guo Wengui claiming Strategic Vision had been financed by the CCP. Elliott Broidy was indicted and pleaded guilty to violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. [328]
Nikki Lum Mali Davis was later indicted in Hawaii as Being An Unregistered Agent. [332]
While it is unclear why Broidy would have intervened in the Strategic Vision case on Guo Wengui’s behalf, when he was charged with illegal lobbying on the behalf of the CCP to get Guo Wengui deported, on the surface, this appears to be the MSS deliberately sacrificing Ms. Davis and Mr. Broidy to make it appear Guo Wengui was under attack by the CCP.
This attempt to resurrect Guo’s cover story, however, is contradicted by Guo Wengui invoking the 5th Amendment 47 times when questioned about his ties to the Ministry of State Security during the April 22nd, 2021 hearing in this case.
Hark Herald believes a better interpretation of the facts is that Elliot Broidy was a “useful idiot,” paid to falsely lobby to get Guo Wengui deported, with the CCP knowing there was little chance of his succeeding, for the purpose of bolstering Guo Wengui’s cover as a wanted dissident.
Background Note: Guo was protected by Ma Jian [330], who used to be the deputy minister of the MSS. After Ma Jian was disgraced and removed from power, Guo fled to the US. Liu Yanping, who is the vice minister of MSS visited Guo after Guo started “whistle-blowing” against CCP [331]. Liu is very familiar with Guo’s history with MSS. Liu was a major general when visiting Guo.
It is reasonable to believe, in light of the foregoing evidence, that the charges brought by the Chinese government against Guo Wengui are false. But, not for the reasons Guo Wengui advertises. These charges may well be a fabrication to give credence to Guo’s claim he is a dissident and wanted in China on criminal charges when the truth maybe he has been sent to the United States by the CCP to generate division in society. We may never fully know all the pieces and players in this game, but our investigation indicates we can’t take anything at face value, and it’s the duty of American intelligence agencies to probe beneath the surface.
The operations, in which he appears to be directing a strategy, are coordinated and financed through Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Jason Miller, and other high-visibility MAGA leaders. It originates in Russia and the Chinese Communist Party’s highest Intelligence leadership and is causing the divisions we now see in Western Societies, from BREXIT to Portland, Oregon.
Unfortunately, many patriotic and loyal citizens of multiple nations have fallen victim to the manipulation of internet search engines that have pushed these manufactured false conspiracies to the top of results when certain words are included in the search–words that are seeded in sound bites included in the conspiracy theories of right-wing media and on social media.
The many unnecessary deaths caused by just the Covid misinformation is in and of itself appalling, but these people care nothing for our deaths. There is no “right” or “left” with them…only POWER. And always, always follow the money to see who profits off disaster capitalism.
This is a continuing series of articles evidenced by court documents, open-source research, and previously published articles. The public is encouraged to draw their own conclusions from the evidence presented about the ramifications of the relationship between Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Flynn, Mike Lindell, Jason Miller, Elliot Broidy, Guo Wengui, and William Je. We believe it’s our duty in a free society to expose these questionable actors so their words are not taken at face value. Those using their platforms to spread the Big Lie, the Insurrection lies, COVID lies, anti-vax lies, Hunter Biden lies, and myriad other rightwing narratives proven demonstrably false are going to be scrutinized until the “why” becomes self-evident.
This is why a free and fair press is vital to the health of democracy.
Hark Herald Press Staff
CORRECTION: Elliott Broidy was not present at the inauguration held by Guo Wengui of the New Federal State of China, however, he was indicted and convicted as an unregistered foreign agent for China after serving on the RNC Finance Committee. Daniel Lou, who is mentioned in later articles, also serves on the RNC.
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