Hunter Biden Laptop
Sep 2020
In Sep 2020, the “scandal” of Hunter Biden’s laptop started to spread from a Chinese “dissident” YouTuber associated with Guo Wengui, Lude, aka Dinggang Wang.
Lude was a close associate of Guo Wengui, who built a multinational online disinformation network that works closely with MAGA leaders, including Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, Peter Navarro, and Jason Miller.
A “Dissident“ seeking asylum
Lude is a supposed Chinese “dissident” who sought religious asylum first as a Buddhist, then as a Christian.
In China, he ran a business installing surveillance for Chinese police and secret services.
One month after he filed for religious asylum, his stake in that company increased.
Lude was frequently featured in Chinese TV as a young and successful entrepreneur before he came to the US to seek political asylum.
Oct 11, 2021
“Everything Has Just Started“
Oct 11, 2020, GETTR accounts affiliated with Guo Wengui hinted something big was about to happen.
Oct 14, 2021
New York Post
The New York Post published an article on Oct. 14 that it said was based on leaked private photos from Hunter Biden’s personal hard drive,
First Draft, a nonprofit that tracks misinformation was monitoring the spread of the Hunter Biden rumors, and found the source of information was Lude.
The most prominent spread of the child abuse rumors involving Hunter Biden before the New York Post article came from Lude (Dinggang Wang), whose Twitter thread of videos has been retweeted 20,000 times.
Oct 14, 2021
Here Comes Chinese Trump Supporters
Chinese Trump supporters spare no time picking up the story. They started amplifying it immediately.
This is a Chinese Trump supporter known for his never-ending attack on the Democrats.
CCP Cyber Police let the story spread in China
Biggest social media in China quickly followed.
Given China’s 24/7 tight censorship, this is remarkable.
This is remarkable given Lude is known to be an “anti-CCP” dissident.
Spreading content from anti-CCP dissidents would result in the suspension of social media accounts and even detention in hours.
Hunter Biden’s laptop story by Lude, however, spread like wildfire.
Oct 22, 2020
“Wray has been arrested by Giuliani“
On Oct 22, 2020, Twitter followers of Lude started to spread the “Chris Wray has been arrested by Giuliani. Biden residence has been raided” narrative.
First Watch found “Shortly after the New York Post story went online, some members of the QAnon conspiracy theory noticed Wang and his YouTube show, and started amplifying the unfounded pizzagate narrative and making it more visible in English on social media,”
noteL Lude’s Chinese name is Dinggang Wang.
A wild party
Various Trump supporters in the Chinese community came to the party of spreading the Hunter Biden story.
This is Eric Zhang, who appeared to be a vocal critic of Guo Wengui, guiding the making of meme based on the Hunter Biden story.
Zhang is an investment consultant focused on bringing Chinese investment into the US.
In Jan 2022, on his Chinese YouTube channel, Sasha Gong, former Chinese language chief of Voice of America made a claim that the US COVID policy is a Democratic conspiracy to impose authoritarianism.
Making sexually explicit verbal assaults on Karma Harris is a popular theme among Chinese Trump supporters.
Oct 31, 2020
Steve Bannon Endorsement
On Oct 31, 2020, Steve Bannon visited Guo Wengui’s staff. In the meeting, Bannon shared Trump’s plan to falsely declare victory on the Election Night. He also praised Lude for his “editorial creativity” in pulling off the stunt.
Bannon confirmed what Lude did made a negative impact on Biden’s campaign.
Oct 2020
“1000 steps back, rest assured. Trump has a plan!“
Guo Wengui’s people are not the only Chinese group that is privy to Trump’s plan.
After Nov 3, 2020
Spreading Big Lies
After Nov 3, 2020, Lude devoted his time spreading the Big Lie in the Chinese community.
For example, on Dec 2, 2020, Lude claimed that Trump is getting ready in a master stroke to crush the Democrats.
Jan 6, 2021
Guo Wengui
On Jan 6, 2021, Guo Wengui streamed on the GTV channel he formed with Steve Bannon.
He called for Trump to decisively crush the Democrats before suggesting Trump should form a third party with big money backing to defeat the establishment Democrats and GOP.
He also gave $400,000 to Lin Wood.
March 2022
Forensic Analysis of the Hunter Biden drive
On March 30, 2022, Washington Post published Here’s how The Post analyzed Hunter Biden’s laptop
In June 2021, Republican Activist, and former War Room associate Jack Maxey provided Washington Post with the alleged Hunter Biden drive which contained 217 gigabytes of data including 4.3 gigabytes of email files.

“At The Post’s request, Matt Green, a Johns Hopkins University security researcher who specializes in cryptography, and Jake Williams, a forensics expert and former National Security Agency operative who once hacked the computers of foreign adversaries, separately examined two copies The Post made of the portable drive Maxey provided.”
“In their examinations, Green and Williams found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed the drive and written files to it, both before and after the initial stories in the New York Post and long after the laptop itself had been turned over to the FBI.”
“The drive is a mess,” Green said.
“From a forensics standpoint, it’s a disaster,” Williams said.