Trump’s National Debt FAIL (Youtube video)
Before Trump was elected, he claimed he would pay off the national debt in 8 years Instead, Trump has not only failed to pay off any debt, but he increased…
Georgia’s Voting Problems
This morning, the City of Atlanta awakened with expected issues stemming from long lines, voting machines not working, and voters unable to vote because they discovered they were in the…
Why Scotland Detests Trump (Youtube video)
See why many people in Scotland hate Trump. Instead of furthering his goals by making nice with his neighbors, Trump chose to agitate, intimidate and harass. YouTube video (click on…
EXCLUSIVE: Alton Logan: How An Innocent Man Spent 26 Years In Prison
How a legal concept known as “attorney-client” privilege kept an innocent man in prison for 26 years. Illinois Department of Corrections (Alton Logan (left) and Andrew Wilson) After being incarcerated…
Trump’s Disapproval Rating Highest of Any President
President Donald Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any President at this point in office — 54%. This is the highest it’s been since October 2019. Opinion poll analysis…
EXCLUSIVE: How Trump’s Tariffs Have Affected US Farmers — 21 Farmers Speak Out
Let’s review recent statistics on tariffs and exports, as well as speak with some farmers on how tariffs have affected them. Let’s also hear what some farmers have to say…